Planning and Designing Green Homes

Pre-Fab Zero Carbon Homes: What You Need Know

Building residential and commercial projects are progressively being designed for greater energy efficiency and general sustainability requirements. As a result of these construction trends, the built environment’s emissions have decreased significantly.
However, the elephant in the room is the exclusion of the parameter in the formula, which is the embodied energy of building materials. Given the average lifetime and energy analysis of buildings, energy used during assembly accounts for just around half of the entire carbon footprint.

Planning and Designing Green Homes

How to Create a Green Home on a Budget

Proper planning is essential for effectively constructing a sustainable green home. It doesn’t have to be significantly more expensive than a code-built home, but selecting and locating green construction materials can take a little longer because they frequently require special orders.
As a result, it is even more critical to begin your study early and to be well-organized. The success of your sustainable home …

Planning and Designing Green Homes

Building Homes that are Prepared for Climate Change

The plain truth is that average global temperatures have increased and will continue to climb. In the past few years, its increase has been significantly worse. Furthermore, even a minor increase in global temperature causes less predictable rainfall patterns and more severe storms.
However, the good news is that historical climate records and sophisticated computer modeling of climate trends assist us in assigning risk to future weather events. Moreover, recent advancements enable us to adjust these risk estimations to increasingly smaller territories with a …

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